Qrome® Products

Qrome® products are the most optimized balance of insect protection and agronomic performance in the Pioneer® brand corn product portfolio. They are fully equipped with a new triple stack of defensive traits and dual modes of action to defend against above - and below-ground pests. Qrome products include a unique molecular stack of the proven Bt proteins from the Herculex® I and Herculex® RW traits. This new technology is the key to unlocking higher yield potential on your acres.

Check out our NW Iowa list of top yielding Qrome products.

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Pioneer® brand Qrome® corn products are the most optimized balance of insect protection and agronomic performance in the Pioneer product line-up and come fully equipped with a new, triple stack of defensive traits and dual modes of action to defend against above- and below-ground pests.

The New Pioneer® Seeds Phone App

Pioneer has launched a new app to access field health imagery and the Yield Estimator uses ear photometry to estimate yield through your smartphone camera. Find out how this new app can deliver serious value to your operation!